Concepts - Studio DIRC

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Health and Safety
Health and safety at work is one of the areas where the EU has had the biggest impact, with a solid legal framework covering the maximum number of risks with the minimum number of regulations.
Italian companies are required to adopt, in the interests of preventing accidents at work and occupational illnesses, a system of precautionary measures.
In Italy, health and safety at work are regulated by Legislative Decree Law 81/2008, known as the "Testo Unico Sicurezza Lavoro" constantly reviewed and updated. This decree transposes in Italy the European Directive on the protection of safety and health of workers, coordinated in a single piece of legislation that provides for specific sanctions against defaulters, everything in order to protect workers against accidents and illness risks.
In this context, Studio DIRC aim consists into providing companies with all the necessary services to prevent every kind of risk that could cause damages to workers' health and safety.
© Rocco Curri 2016. All rights reserved.
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